Don't live down to expectations. Go out there & do something remarkable. --Wendy Wasserstein

Thursday, March 3, 2011

Creating is a Constant

Even when I'm not actually making something & putting it together, I think I'm still in the process of creating. My mind is constantly thinking of things I can make or scrapbooks I can put together...if only I had the time for it all! Creating is a process and I've learned it's a more drawn-out process when you have a VERY busy 2 1/2 yr old to care for along with all the other tasks that come with being a stay-at-home mommy and a wife. Back in my single days I had all the time in the world to come up with a new scrapbook page or book or card. And, now it's a challenge at times (more often than not really)--so I need to take on this challenge & start doing more of my creations! Hmmm...let's see how this goes over the next while! Take care!

Go & Find That Change!

This blog is supposed to help me w/my creativity in making cards, notebooks, scrapbooks, etc.. I think the title fits quite well for this, also. I need to 'go & find that change.' I came across an email from Lesley, my wombmate, that she sent me almost a year ago--it was April 14, 2009. She said, "So much change is about ready to come for you. Or it is more like you are going to it. You are going and finding that change!" Those words have really hit me so I felt like writing about them here on his creative blog of mine.

Change is not such a bad thing in life. Sometimes it just comes along--other times we go out and seek it--kinda like what my sister was referring to w/my move to Montana. I was embarking on a big change in my life. I had just gotten married to the love of my life the month before...and now, we(me, Dustin & Shane-our son) were moving 3 1/2 hrs away from family & living in the middle of nowhere for a new job. I would be a stay-at-home mom to Shane & that was something I'd never done before. I've always worked ever since forever.

Now a year later we are finding ourselves moving back to Idaho...and the feeling I get just knowing that is very calming. Moving back to where we're from--is comforting. It's also a change, but we will succeed in one way or another.

I have learned that change happens no matter what. We just have to learn how to handle it and figure out how to embrace it. As my sis said, we need to go out & find that change!

I hope all these changes in my life will influence me for the better so I can be the best person I possibly can. Change is good--that's what I keep telling myself. And, all these changes will help me in my creativity w/my card making & scrapbooking projects. Change brings about more change which in turn helps my creativity flow more into projects of my life & what matters to me or catches my interest.

So, let's all go out and find that change!